The Monocle of Shai

The Monocle of Shai


April Dawn Duncan (Author), Danielle Rose Pecor (Illustrator)

Kellan, a precocious 10-year-old, is a scientist, inventor, and adventurer empowered by the love and encouragement of her two moms and her faithful lab assistant, a dog named Copernicus. With their support, she makes incredible inventions that will change their lives in exciting and wonderful ways. In this book, she takes on the concept of time, discovering that not everything is what it seems.

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April Dawn Duncan, who holds a BA in Education and taught English and History in middle-school and high-school until her armor wore too thin, now writes books for children of all ages so she can continue to do what she loves: teaching. Because writers often must band together to support each other so as not to give up on their dreams, she joined forces with one of her most cherished friends, an incredible writer by the name of Tiểu Thúy Nguyễn, to form the Willow and the Fox Children's Book Project. Together they roam the multiverse looking for like-minded writers and illustrators to work together with them to create uplifting, inclusive, beautiful children's stories. You can find their project at April's first children's book (and subsequently the inaugural book from the Willow and The Fox), The Monocle of Shai, is illustrated by Danielle René Pecor and now available through all major book sellers online thanks to Onion River Press.

Danielle René Pecor, holds a BA in Psychology and Studio Art and a black belt in Aikido, all of which involves the cooperation of art and science, two seemingly diametrically opposed concepts that actually dance hand-in-hand, creating incredible, enriching, and therapeutic experiences. She shares her synthesis of the two in her own artwork, found at, in her online art school called Artful Accidents that will be launching sometime in 2022, and in her teaching of Aikido to children. Her innate curiosity, desire to explore, and willingness to experiment whether she succeeds or fails, means that she didn't run away screaming when asked by her new friend, April, to illustrate her book, The Monocle of Shai, and join the Willow and the Fox Children's Book Project. Now, whether she realizes it or not, she's committed to being the illustrator for all the subsequent books to follow in the Kellan's Contraptions Book Series, not to mention who knows what else April will beg her to illustrate. April is darn lucky to have a friend like Danielle.